Marketing Your Business Professionally
Today’s marketing techniques have evolved significantly from practices typically used in the past. While some strategies, like carefully performing due diligence, remain the same, globalization and networking now require new or revised strategies and practices. Docurex® offers organizations the infrastructure necessary to plan and implement due diligence expected of today’s organizations before attempting to market a company or seek new capital sources. The security provided by docurex® sets the industry standard and provides a level of confidentiality rarely seen.
Data Security is an Important Component of Due Diligence
Due diligence includes the abilities to store and retrieve data as needed no matter where you’re located. Modern web applications are easily employed to access the docurex® secure virtual data environment. Documents and records needed can be archived and managed from a central location or by any authorized remote user. The level of flexibility provided by docurex® is unparalleled in today’s cloud-based systems. Employees and authorized business partners can quickly and easily access important documents from virtually anywhere in the world with internet access, saving valuable time and resources.
Proper due diligence is a lot of work. The process includes a carefully performed auditing process when new capital is being sought, when a new partner is being considered, or when a company sale is being considered. Due diligence is a vital tool that provides any prospective investor with the knowledge needed to determine the organization’s financial condition. The process includes a complete examination of all documents and the verification of their authenticity.
What Facts are Examined During Due Diligence?
The process requires an exploration of several factors that impact any company’s current and future viability. One level examined is the organization’s market and competitive situation. Marketing is a complex endeavor, and the way an organization markets its goods or services is carefully screened. All marketing-related activities are carefully reviewed to ensure the strategies are effective.
On the economic level, budgets and financial statements for the preceding fiscal year are reviewed with an eye toward uncovering areas where improvements could be made. Current plans for marketing or future growth are also analyzed to ensure those plans are feasible given the current markets and other existing conditions.
A third level of due diligence is to evaluate all past and current contracts to determine if any contract contents present potential risks for purchasers or financiers. Shareholders’ agreements and employee contracts are reviewed to determine if they represent any potential economic risks. Patents are also subjected to careful scrutiny to determine their validity and if any potential challenges to those patents exist. Customer orders, supplier and sales contracts, as well as long-term service contracts also affect a company’s valuation and must be included in the due diligence efforts.
Conducting Due Diligence in the Real World
There are definite rules generally followed to ensure the due diligence process proceeds smoothly. The first step is to gather all relevant documents in a single area and ensure they’re properly sorted. An inventory of documents should be readily available to ensure all facts are properly considered during the process. In today’s digital age, most of those documents can easily be made available through the docurex® system. Using the system makes it easy to sort and process all necessary documents without security issues being introduced. Any party authorized to monitor the procedure can easily do so from any location, but anyone not properly authorized will not be able to access any of the documents or conclusions reached during the process. A virtual data room greatly simplifies due diligence and provides a secure environment for the process to proceed.
Due Diligence Across the Globe
Parties contemplating mergers or complex transactions are always concerned about security, and docurex® offers invaluable advantages during transactions being carried out from remote locations. The time savings alone are incalculable while, at the same time, confidentiality is always maintained. The docurex® system access is simple and user-friendly, allowing users to conduct business without distractions.
Because due diligence is concerned with highly confidential company data, the tests take time are quite expensive. When the docurex® digital platform is used, the specialists and stakeholders involved always have instant access to relevant information. Of course, every access is logged, making it simple to determine who accessed data and when they accessed that information.
docurex® Use Leads to Successful Contracts
To successfully complete transactions, docurex® offers the needed standard of excellence. National, federal, and worldwide business partners all benefit from the services provided by their use of virtual data space from docurex®.
Those requiring the data can easily access it in the virtual data space quickly. The system serves everyone involved seamlessly and with transparency, encouraging those involved to share information with confidence. The level of service provided by docurex® not only simplifies transactions of all kinds but also increases the likelihood of transactions being completed successfully.
For a complete description of application possibilities, contact docurex® today. We’ll gladly explain the system and how it can benefit your organization both today and in the future.