Secure communication for committees, Boards of Directors and Supervisory Boards with docurex®

A lot of work is involved in preparing for a Board Meeting. Apart from scheduling and organising the venue and organising the agenda – communication with different committees,, the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors is very time-consuming. The relevant documents have to be collected and then structured and prepared in line with the agenda. On top of this, they need to be despatched promptly and confidentially to each recipient of Executive Board communications. Sometimes, this is still done by post. Doubtless a secure approach, but nonetheless inflexible. Short-term changes to documents involve time and expenditure before the actual Supervisory Board, Board of Directors or committee meetings take place.


docurex® – effective and innovative committee and Supervisory Board communication

Many companies rely on new media to make communication to executives, the Supervisory Board or the Board of Directors more effective. It provides the option to issue documents for Executive Board meetings quickly and easily online. This way, all the people involved in committee and board communications always have access to the latest documents, and the risk that they are lost is significantly lower.

To make the process even more innovative and effective, docurex® gives users the option of better access to the documents needed for Supervisory Board and Executive Board communication. The required information is clear and well arranged and the content can be easily accessed by all persons authorised to receive Supervisory Board and Executive Board communication. Equally intuitive is the maintenance and alteration of new documents for communication to committees and Executive Boards.


The safe and transparent security system for Management Board communication

With its abundance of convenient and innovative features, docurex® still keeps its eye on the security of confidential information and data communicated to Executive and Management Boards. For example, the efficient data management program not only ensures that your committee and Executive Board documents are archived seamlessly, it also applies high security standards to protect your Executive Board and Supervisory Board communication from internal and external cyber crime and espionage.

The docurex® security concept only permits access to persons who are truly authorised to know the content of Management Board documents. This means that even your own IT department cannot view the content of documents for your committee and Supervisory Board documents. Of course, the docurex® strategy also includes an end-to-end and informative log of Supervisory Board documentation to answer the question: who accessed (and possibly changed) which content and when?


Committee and Management Board communication with docurex® at a glance

Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, and equipped with practical features for Executive Board and Supervisory Board communication, docurex® is one of the most comprehensive, innovative and secure data management programs available today. docurex® especially provides advantages for committee and board communication in:

  • Ensuring effective, flexible and secure Supervisory Board and Executive Board communication
  • Automated, comprehensive and secure archiving of committee and Management Board communication.
  • End-to-end and informative logging of user access and changes to Management Board and Supervisory Board documents

In addition, its flexible structure enables docurex® to be used in other areas besides committee and Supervisory Board communication, such as in general document management and portfolio management.

Test Your Data Room easily and without obligation

Keen to find out more? Trial docurex® free and without obligation. We would be happy to enable your test access immediately. Confidential and ultra-personal to you. Try out docurex® here.